Hands-on skills get short shrift in schools in this hi-tech world, where computer classes seem to take precedence over crafts.

Most of us would like to see our kids taking pleasure from DIY and getting tools into young hands early and often is the key to building skills. Encouraging an interest, and hopefully grooming a workshop assistant, is easy when you know how.

It's a great opportunity for your kids to learn building skills from starting with a small D.I.Y project.  Starting with a pre-assembled wooden rabbit hutch from Hercules Store could be a good idea. 

Here are our tips for training children in the art of DIY.

The safety rules
1. Make a habit of wearing safety glasses and gloves
2. Tie up long hair
3. Wear closed-toe shoes
4. Clean up the work area after each project

Don’t do it for them
The biggest challenges for experienced DIYers are time and patience. It’s very easy for an adult to take over but you have to let kids take their time. Kids are easily frustrated so be careful not to go too fast. Introduce tools one or two at a time. Let them handle each one, see how it works and feel a sense of accomplishment with it before moving on to another.

Work at their height

You don’t like a work surface that’s too high, low or wobbly, and neither do kids. You can buy child-size workbenches but they tend to be expensive. It’s cheaper to cut down an existing workbench or you can easily make one yourself. Make DIY easy for kids by organising a suitable workbench.

The benefits of D.I.Y projects for kids are many and include problem-solving abilities, creativity, literacy, fine & gross motor skills, etc...